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about the company

Diabetes Iceland

Dropinn aðalLogo

The association of diabetics was founded in 1971 by a group of volunteers, in 2023 the name of the association was changed to Diabetes Ísland - association of people with diabetes


The work has always been based on the contribution of volunteers; of people with diabetes, their families and friends and interested healthcare professionals. At the beginning of 2023, there were around 1,600 members. In addition to people with diabetes and their relatives, the work involves a number of health workers, pharmacies, health institutions and sponsors.


The annual general meeting is held in March. There, a 5-member board is elected, which divides the work and deals with all the company's affairs between general meetings.

Diabetes Ísland - the association of people with diabetes is a national organization, but there is also an active association of parents of diabetic children, Dropinn, which has a website at

The company has one part-time employee and the office is open two mornings a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10-12. The office is housed in Setrin, on the ground floor at Hátún 10, where several patient associations rent together.

The company's main projects are:

To give people with diabetes a voice in the public debate and to speak their case to the authorities.

To publish educational materials about diabetes and its complications, both for the patients themselves and for the general public.

To organize diverse social activities for its members.

Maintain diabetes education

Work to strengthen health care, prevention and to support the activities of the Endocrine Department at Landspítala.


Diabetes Ísland is part of the IDF, the international organization of people with diabetes, and the association is also active in cooperation between the Nordic countries, in addition to being part of the Icelandic Federation of Disabled Persons.

Diabetes Iceland

Registration in Diabetes Iceland

Takk fyrir að gerast styrktaraðili

By registering in Diabetes Ísland, you support the company's activities, office and educational activities.

The general membership fee is ISK 3000 per year, but ISK 1500 for old-age and disability pensioners.

"If your company is interested in sponsoring us and getting its name and logo on the site, contact us at "

​Dropinn, support association for diabetic children Arnarhraun 23
220 Hafnarfjörður

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